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You Can Heal Your Life Through Your Body


You Can Heal Your Life Through Your Body


I'm so glad you're here! 


I lived in deep pain for many years. I searched everywhere for the answers, until one day I realised that all the answers were in the same place as my pain: inside my body.

You see, our bodies record every life experience we have.

Sometimes these experiences are wonderful and supported, so their memories enable us to navigate life with more ease and wisdom. But often, they can be difficult and isolating and then they leave us with unresolved stress that wreaks havoc on our body, mind and soul. 

Unresolved stress is the foundation for a dysregulated nervous system, challenging emotions, anxiety, depression, immune system issues and so many more painful ways that we operate in the world. 

You have arrived here because you know there’s more to life than trying to survive and avoid the pain within you. 
I promise you, there’s way more to life and I'd love to teach you how to reclaim your inner wisdom and live with freedom.
On these pages, you will find ways to work with me that will change your life.

My Online Programs

The Somatic Healing Space Membership

My membership where I'll be guiding you to heal the physical, emotional and psychological patterns that disrupt your nervous system so you can regulate with ease and fall in love with your life and yourself!

Join me each month in Somatic Practice sessions, Deep Rest Restorative Meditation, amazing Expert Masterclasses and more at a low monthly fee!


28-Day Nervous System Reset

Have you heard all about Nervous System Regulation and you’re wondering how to integrate it into your life? The Resets are designed to teach you how to find safety within, harness your nervous system and motivates you to heal it, all within 28 days.

There is one Reset every 3 months, so make sure you sign up to the Waitlist to be the first to know when the next opens!


Finding Freedom Online Master Course

Do you find you keep coming across the same stumbles or blocks in your life no matter how hard you try to overcome them? Do you feel a deep sense of unhappiness or unease despite having a life that others would see as perfect? Do you experience ongoing physiological symptoms that affect your quality of life?

Then my Finding Freedom Online Master Course is exactly what you need!

1:1 Sessions

In-Person or Zoom Somatic Therapy

Takes place either in-person in Fremantle or via Zoom, I work 1:1 with you through these sessions to help you release trauma, heal and find freedom from pain through somatic therapy and practices. 

Session Duration and Costs

Sessions run for between 90 - 110 minutes. They include intensive somatic work coupled with counselling. Pricing is varied and concessions are available. 

Intake and drop in sessions: $330 per session.
If you are brand new, there is an intake form to fill out and during your first session we can map out a plan for you. If you have been a client and want to drop in sporadically you are most welcome.

Regular sessions (weekly or fortnightly): $280 per session. If you plan to work with me intensively for a period of time - usually this is between 6 - 12 sessions. I offer discounts on upfront payments of your sessions. 

Concessions: I take two concession clients at a time and these fees are negotiable. Please contact me directly to discuss this option. 

Spots are limited each month and tend to get booked up quickly, so make sure you book ahead to secure the session you want!

Book 1:1 Session

"I have never felt so seen, held and supported in my life before."

Liz is pure magic. Her depth of understanding of trauma and somatic healing is incredible. I have never felt so seen, held and supported in my life before. I have been an ongoing client of Liz’s and each session reveals more and more of the way through for emotional, physical and spiritual healing. As vulnerable as this work feels I have pushed through my fears and feel like I am unveiling the person I have always been meant to be. Every session feels like a hug for my soul and it is due to Liz and her energy that it feels like that. ❤️

- Nicola Garcia

"A real gift to give to yourself."

It's hard to put into words just how amazing the retreat was. I went with very little expectation of what to expect, and what I gained was a profound connection with myself and my needs through the workshops and somatic work; a reconnection with my body through the daily yoga practice; and a nourishing of body and soul through the most delicious, lovingly created food, and the connection with a group of incredible like-minded women. I'm so deeply grateful and happy to the version of myself, it is a real gift to give yourself and I couldn't recommend it more!

- Susanna, Past Retreat Participant


Join our In-Person

Shadow Workshops

Do you ever find yourself falling into the same old patterns over and over again? The same relationships? The same money issues? 

Do you want to live your life to the fullest potential and realise the deepest love possible?

Shadows are parts of us that live beneath our conscious awareness but have the capacity to run our lives in ways that keep us from reaching our fullest potential.

For example, a Shadow that is fearful of being alone can cause you to remain in an unhealthy or unfulfilling relationship; therefore we never experience healthy intimacy. 

A Shadow that is terrified of lack of money can keep you stuck in a job that pays the bills but does not fill your soul with joy.

A Shadow that is terrified of dying will leave you fearing being alive. 

A Shadow that tries to avoid heartbreak will act out in jealousy and ruin your relationships. 

Shadows can undermine us in every aspect of our lives, until we bring them into conscious awareness and integrate them. 

People leave Shadows Workshops feeling like something major has shifted in their lives. And it has! 

Once you integrate a Shadow, it ceases to unconsciously block you from living the life of your dreams.  

This will show up in your relational field, in your health, in your wellbeing.

I run only a few shadow workshops in the Fremantle area (location provided per workshop). They are fully catered to and deeply life-changing. These book out very quickly so join us now!

Join the next Shadow Workshop - 12th of October

"A Gentle and Knowing Practitioner"

I have seen Liz for over a year now for one-on-one somatic therapy and have participated in her facilitated shadow workshops and her online courses. Liz is a gentle and knowing practitioner who has showed me there is a way to lead a life of freedom. Liz has and continues to educate herself across a range of disciplines, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with you all topped off with kindness and laughter.

- Mindy Bonomelli

When you join us in Course Name, you'll also get these awesome bonuses!

(valued at over $1000)

Bonus #1: Bonus Name Here

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  • Something they get goes right here
  • Something they get goes right here
  • Something they get goes right here

Bonus #2: Bonus Name Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris.

  • Something they get goes right here
  • Something they get goes right here
  • Something they get goes right here

Bonus #3: Bonus Name Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris.

  • Something they get goes right here
  • Something they get goes right here
  • Something they get goes right here
About Liz

Meet Your Teacher

Liz McComish is a highly experienced Mental Health Aware Yoga Teacher, Integrated Trauma Healing Practitioner and Somatic Therapist who has additional training in Counselling, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Fascia & Emotions, Somatic Interventions for Chronic Pain & Syndromes, Polyvagal Theory, Neuro-affective Touch.

Liz is well known for her ability to translate complex nervous system science into a practical felt-sense experience which is attainable by all.

Her desire to study and work with people's trauma and nervous systems was borne out of her recovery from her own trauma. Liz was a victim of institutional abuse when she was a child. This abuse caused huge trauma to her and the ensuing years were very challenging.

For Liz, she found the most powerful pathway to healing was through her relationship with her body. Bit by bit she was able to befriend her body, hold space for the pain to be processed and regain a love for her life.

Liz is passionate about helping others to walk this pathway and reclaim their lives as exciting mysteries unfolding rather than enduring pain to be navigated.

Her in-person therapy, online offerings, workshops and retreats are life changing.


"Trauma is never an isolated event. It plays out over and over again in our lives via relationship breakdowns, addictions, self harm, anxiety, depression, illness and pain until we are able to begin the process of lovingly putting ourselves back together."

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